8/17/22 Tools, Antiques, Fine China Online Auction (350)

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349 Lots including; Antique Mahogany Empire Secretary Writing Desk, Bedroom Sets, Antique Baines & Sons Steamer Wardrobe Trunk, Several Very Nice Curio Cabinets/Hutches, Wicker Wove Furniture Set, Antique 19th Century Welch Mfg. Pendulum Clock, Vtg. Johnson Bros. Ironstone Fine China, Royal Albert Old Country Roses Fine China, Royal Albert American Beauty Fine China, Lie-Nielsen, Woodworking Planes, Calipers, Precision Tools, Various Reloading Tools/Supplies (Casings, Primers, Reloader, Cleaners, Bullets & more), Camping Supplies, Fine Porcelain Figures, 7000W Generator & So Much More!!!

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8/17/22 Tools, Antiques, Fine China Online Auction

Lot #0101: 9mm Dillion Precision Reloader

Bidding is closed.
High Bid:$175.00
Bidding Ended: Tue, Aug 2  6:01:30 pm PT
High Bidder: northwind
Bid Increment: $25.00
Starting Bid: $5.00
Item Location: 3940 12th Ave SE #2A, Lacey , WA 98503
Item has been viewed 244 times.
Lot Details: Appears to be complete with accessories.